Brick Grimes Custom Minifigure review
I kick off my own round of reviews with a couple of custom minifigure reviews from They have sent me Brick Grimes and Jesse Pinkman to review. First up is their version of one of the main characters from Walking Dead. Now I have to be honest, while seen plenty of trailers, adverts and stuff on the net it isn’t a tv show that I’ve watched or had any interest in. However I did my research and looking up the character Brick Grimes is based on so I could do a comparison and I have to say I’m pretty impressed!
Official Description
Grimes has awoken to a toy box run amok with brain eating Zombies. Together with his Minifigure friends and his trusty revolver, he plans to put a stop to the infestation and kick some Zombie Butt!
First it’s worth noting he is a limited edition minifigure, as such he is a little bit more expensive at £14.95. This might put off floating fans but fans of the show will not be. I do like how are doing minifigures we are unlikely to ever see in official LEGO form, unlike other custom minifigure outlets who seem intent on doing Super Heros! They break the mould and make sure they research their chosen character making sure they give their fans the best possible product. continue to send out their minifigures in clear blister packets with insert. The inserts are top quality with renderings of the minifigure and the product blurb on the back.
The minifigure is based on Rick Grimes from the TV show who is played by Andrew Lincoln, this is how the minifigure gets his features from. In the show Rick is a small town sheriff and the minifigure comes with the full sheriff uniform with printing on the hat, arms, feet as well as back of his legs for his gun holster. The printing is as we have come to expect now from is great. I personally think the stubble on the face is amazing and I’ve yet to see any others come close to this detail.
This is a must for any fan of the TV show, however if you just like your zombies now you can have a cop hell bent on wiping them all out. However this won’t appeal to everyone, like me if you are not in to the tv show then even though the quality is outstanding you will be hard pushed to spend £15 on the minifigue, unless you are a colllector.
So if you do want this minifigure then grab one while you can!
Author Profile
Founder of Brick Fanatics. I'm Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I'm better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I've gone from 20st to a runner, I've raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges.
I'm supported by Absolute360,SockMine and Tribesports.
Currently I have a 17:20 5k PB, 36:02 10k PB, 81:11 HM PB & 3:08:24 for the marathon.
You can find me on my blog
If that is a little dig at our site, we only sell what vendors are making. Super Heroes are hugely popular so that is what they make. In a couple of weeks time we will be stocking a fantastic range of German military minifigures. make some excellent minifigures and I do like this one!