Brick Pic of the Day: Riad
Image: Andrew Tate
“Here is a build inspired by Moroccan Riad courtyards. In reality it would be fully enclosed so I’ve been a bit more ‘creative’. The geometric floor was a challenge and its pretty unstable as most pieces are held in place by gravity! A fountain/pool, columns and balconies seem to be found in most riads so I’ve incorporated them here along with some texture on the walls like tilework.”
Are you a great LEGO photographer? Have you built an impressive MOC? E-mail [email protected] to get your image featured as the Brick Pic of the Day.
Author Profile
My name is Keith and I am a AFOL. Currently an expat living out in Basel, CH, but have a firm footing back in the UK when time permits.
I have had had Lego ever since I can remember - and only until my wee one came along have I re-kindled the flame for building again.
I also run, a resource site for the 1-75 series of miniatures by Matchbox.
There are only three themes that I am get/collect (finances permitting) - City, Creator (Advanced and Expert) as well as the classic Star Wars sets from Eps IV to VI (anything else does not exist). I also keep an eye in Europe with ample chance to see how France, Germany and Switzerland market and offer LEGO.