Another LEGO football stadium is rumoured for 2022
Following LEGO for Adults 10284 Camp Nou – FC Barcelona, rumours suggest that plans are in place for another football set next year.
Instagram user brick_clicker is reporting to have the first details of an upcoming LEGO football stadium set, following two previous models that would fall under that same category. While 10284 Camp Nou – FC Barcelona and 10272 Old Trafford represented FC Barcelona and Manchester United respectively, the reported build is said to be highlighting the home of Real Madrid
Rumoured to be named 10299 Santiago Bernabeu, the title matches that of the Real Madrid stadium located in Madrid, Spain, which is also currently receiving a full renovation with completion planned for 2022. The concept art of the redesign has been released and can be found in the featured image, showcasing a modern look.
Featuring a curved and monochrome exterior with a single opening in the roof looking down onto the pitch, the LEGO Santiago Bernabeu set is said to be priced at $349.99, tying it for the title of the most expensive brick-built stadium should it be real.
Because both 10272 Old Trafford and 10284 Camp Nou – FC Barcelona included the same pitch design, it seems likely that a third build would do the same. The newer 10284 Camp Nou – FC Barcelona was also released alongside the free 40485 FC Barcelona Celebration GWP. However, none of the information listed in the rumour has been officially confirmed by the LEGO Group and should be taken with caution until announced otherwise.
Both 10272 Old Trafford and 10284 Camp Nou – FC Barcelona are available now from the official online store, and you can our in-depth reviews for both here and here, as well as here for the FC Barcelona gift.
Featured Image: Real Madrid
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Author Profile
- LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.
Lego need to do Tottenham Hotspur stadium and maybe have the option to turn it into the nfl pitch also!! Make this happen Lego
Das wäre Mega wenn Lego das neue Santiago Bernabéu Stadion heraus bringt.
Look, I like the stadiums. And I get that Football (Soccer) is popular in Europe. But can we Americans get a bone thrown our way in the form of an American football stadium or baseball stadium?