Star Wars: Ahsoka actor creates LEGO Star Wars collectable
After admiring his first minifigure from a distance, a Star Wars: Ahsoka actor has created a unique LEGO Star Wars item from a recent set.
LEGO Star Wars 75385 Ahsoka Tano’s Duel on Peridea is now available, featuring a few exciting minifigures for enthusiasts. These include a new Thrawn minifigure, a Night Trooper and a new Ezra Bridger minifigure based on Eman Esfandi’s portrayal of the character.
While Ezra has received a couple of minifigures before in the LEGO Star Wars Rebels sets, this is Esfandi’s first minifigure and his initial reaction to the news was positive, to say the least.
Now that the set has been revealed and released, one enthusiast took it to show Esfandi at a recent event hosted by Voices Against Cancer, allowing Esfandi to appreciate the full context of the set on Instagram.
He notes the pose of Ezra’s minifigure on the box art and a video accompanying the post shows Esfandi signing the set, making a one-of-a-kind collectable in the process. Based on his excitement, we could have another celebrity LEGO enthusiast on our hands in the future.
A second season of Ahsoka has been confirmed and given how many models the first season has received, at least one for Season 2 seems likely, hopefully with another minifigure of Ezra after he’s had a chance to freshen up back in his home galaxy.
LEGO Star 75385 Ahsoka Tano’s Duel on Peridea is available now for £49.99 / $54.99 / €54.99 with five minifigures and 382 pieces. You can read our review by clicking here.
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Author Profile
- LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.
His enthusiasm over the set makes me smile. He is a genuine Star Wars fan and a great actor. Love the look of the set. Hope to see more.