LEGO board game Monkey Palace finally gets an exact release date
An exact release date for the LEGO board game Monkey Palace, has at last been confirmed, thanks to various retailers opening pre-orders.
Details about Monkey Palace have been slowly trickling through as we get closer to its release window, from a video explaining how exactly how the game works to its price and more specific details. Now, as retailers start to open up pre-orders on the board game, we finally get a confirmed release date: October 7.
That’s in line with earlier reports that the game would be released in mid-October and is perhaps even earlier than we might have expected. That’s good news for board game fans who can’t wait to get their hands on the game. A number of retailers are offering pre-orders to ensure your copy comes as quickly as possible, including Gathering Games, Waterstones, Thirsty Meeples, and Hampton Hobbies.
The first title created in partnership between the LEGO Group, new studio Dotted Games, Bezzerwizzer Studio, and publishers Asmodee, Monkey Palace is a jungle-themed strategy game for between two and four players that includes both cooperative and competitive elements. The upcoming LEGO board game features 231 pieces, 67 monkey cards, 14 bonus cards, three trophy cards, four game boards, two double-sided floor cards, one sorting insert, one set of game instructions, and a baseplate, coming altogether at a price of £34.99 / €49.99.
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- I write about all the very best fandoms – and that means LEGO, of course. Spending so much time looking at and talking about LEGO sets is dangerous for my bank balance, but the LEGO shelves are thriving. You win some, you lose some.
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