LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 76133 Spider-Man Car Chase review

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes sets don’t get much simpler than this. Does 76133 Spider-Man Car Chase offer anything to seasoned fans?

Price: £8.99 / $9.99 / €9.99  Pieces: 52  Available: Now

Although many will disagree, 4+ has proved a wonderful addition to the LEGO Group’s product portfolio in my view. Meant to serve as a bridge between Duplo and System, these sets are comprised of primarily large, specialised pieces that make following the instructions and assembling easy for young minds and small hands. Does an offering like LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 76133 Spider-Man Car Chase hold any appeal to an adult collector? The answer is no, except for in very particular circumstances.


With a set like this it must be judged on the basis of what it is. As it so happens I have a four year old son. In the hands of the target audience, 76133 Spider-Man Car Chase works. The car is only a couple of parts, one of which is a huge chassis and the glider is an even simpler affair made of under ten pieces. Easy to fix when they inevitably break, those large components are welcoming to small, unsteady hands. My son played with this for hours.

The only potential appeal for adults is the Green Goblin minifigure. While certainly cartooney, he is nonetheless highly detailed with printing on both torso and legs, as well as a dual printed head. While certainly rooted in the comic books, he is not juniorised so would not look out of place in a fan’s collection of minifigures.

Aside from the Green Goblin minifigure, this set is an easy pass for anyone without a four year old.

This product was provided for review by the LEGO Group.

76133 Spider-Man Car Chase is available now at You can help support Brick Fanatics’ work by using our affiliate links

Author Profile

When I was 3 years old my dad bought home 6659 TV Camera Crew as a gift — he had no idea what he had just unleashed. Three decades and no dark age later, I am still going strong. My love of LEGO led me to a career in Civil Engineering and I am now raising three budding LEGO lovers with my lovely wife who is, bless her, a huge supporter of my brick addiction. When not writing for Brick Fanatics or fulfilling my duties as the U.S. Editor of Blocks Magazine I enjoy collecting, MOCing, exhibiting, as well as running, climbing and home improvement.

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When I was 3 years old my dad bought home 6659 TV Camera Crew as a gift — he had no idea what he had just unleashed. Three decades and no dark age later, I am still going strong. My love of LEGO led me to a career in Civil Engineering and I am now raising three budding LEGO lovers with my lovely wife who is, bless her, a huge supporter of my brick addiction. When not writing for Brick Fanatics or fulfilling my duties as the U.S. Editor of Blocks Magazine I enjoy collecting, MOCing, exhibiting, as well as running, climbing and home improvement.

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