LEGO NINJAGO 2023 wave encourages creativity with NXT initiative
A new campaign for LEGO NINJAGO has gone live as the 2023 sets are designed to inspire creativity, inviting fans to add their own stories to the saga.
A new NINJAGO NXT page has appeared on the official online store, revealing that the next wave of the theme, which may look familiar, has creative opportunities at its core.
These models are included in the new NXT content, which includes comic templates and other storytelling tools to help you write your own stories in the world of LEGO NINJAGO. However, NINJAGO NXT doesn’t stop there.
A series of masterclass videos featuring guests from Tommy Andreasen to Tommy Kalmar teaching you everything about drawing minifigures to telling a great NINJAGO story is also available, handily gathered in a single compilation.
For fans not as interested in making NINJAGO comics, the above compilation may still be worth a watch for insights into the series’ storytelling process.
NINJAGO NXT is available now on the official online store and the new 2023 models launch on January 1. You can take a look at the full upcoming range by clicking here.
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Author Profile
- LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.