LEGO NINJAGO Crystalized minifigure buying guide

With a release date for the second half of LEGO NINJAGO Crystalized confirmed, it’s a good time to dive into the sets and collect the new minifigures.

There are eight LEGO NINJAGO models designed to tie in with NINJAGO Crystalized and they feature a wide array of new and exclusive minifigures to collect, much like most NINJAGO waves. However, the key difference with Crystalized is the inclusion of returning characters, including some that were only featured in one or two sets before this.

From the familiar ninja to the Crystal King’s generals, here’s your minifigure buying guide for LEGO NINJAGO Crystalized. Those wanting to keep the story a surprise might want to stop reading here as we’re about to cover spoilers for the new season.

The Ninja

The Ninjas are spread out across the entirety of the Crystalized wave for the most part, though they do all feature in their standard uniforms in 71771 The Crystal King Templeapart from Lloyd, who can be found in 71772 The Crystal King.


The rest of the team – Nya and Master Wu – can be found in 71775 Nya’s Samurai X MECH. For the new dragon forms, you’ll need to collect 71768 Jay’s Golden Dragon Motorbike, 71769 Cole’s Dragon Cruiser, 71770 Zane’s Golden Dragon Jet and 71773 Kai’s Golden Dragon Raider.

The Generals and the messenger

Pythor, Mister F, Harumi, Vangelis, The Mechanic and Aspheera make up the Crystal King’s generals and their messenger and are also spread across much of the Crystalized sets. To get them all, you’ll need to prioritise 71769 Cole’s Dragon Cruiser for Aspheera, 71770 Zane’s Golden Dragon Jetfor Vangelis, 71772 The Crystal Kingfor Harumi, 71773 Kai’s Golden Dragon Raiderfor Mister F and 71775 Nya’s Samurai X MECHfor The Mechanic and Pythor.

The Crystal King

The Crystal King is the new main villain for NINJAGO Crystalized, though they may be a familiar face. While we wait to see how the story unfolds, we at least know that this new minifigure, including the fresh mask element, is featured in 71771 The Crystal King Temple, 71772 The Crystal Kingand 71774 Lloyd’s Golden Ultra Dragon.

Rare characters

LEGO NINJAGO Crystalized is also a good wave for some of the theme’s rarer characters and minifigures. Both Lil’ Nelson and The Mechanic feature in 71775 Nya’s Samurai X MECH and have only otherwise appeared in 71741 Ninjago City Gardens, 70589: Rock Roader as well as Lil’ Nelson in a generic uniform in 70657 NINJAGO City Docks.

LEGO NINJAGO Crystalized minifigure buying guide

Set namePiecesPriceMinifigures
71768 Jay’s Golden Dragon Motorbike137£17.99 / $19.99 / €19.99Vengestone Warrior, Golden Dragon Jay
71769 Cole’s Dragon Cruiser384£39.99 / $44.99 / €44.99Aspheera, Golden Dragon Kai, Gold Cole, Vengestone Brute
71770 Zane’s Golden Dragon Jet258£24.99 / $34.99 / €29.99Gold Zane, Vangelis, Golden Dragon Cole
71771 The Crystal King Temple703£69.99 / $79.99 / €79.99Kai, Zane, Jay, Cole, Crystal King, Vengestone Guard
71772 The Crystal King722£59.99 / $79.99 / €64.99Lloyd, Harumi Crystal King, Vengestone Warrior, Vengestone Guard
71773 Kai’s Golden Dragon Raider624£89.99 / $89.99 / €99.992 Vengestone Warriors, Vengestone Brute, Golden Dragon Zane, Gold Kai, Skylor, Mister F
71774 Lloyd’s Golden Ultra Dragon989£124.99 / €129.99 / $129.99Two Vengestone Brutes, Vengestone Warrior, Gold Cole, Gold Zane, Gold Kai, Gold Jay, Crystal King, Golden Oni Lloyd
71775 Nya’s Samurai X MECH1,003£99.99 / €109.99 / $119.99Pythor, The Mechanic, Vengestone Warrior, Gold Jay, Samurai X Nya, Oni Garmadon, Lil’ Nelson, Master Wu

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Author Profile

Jack Yates
Jack Yates
LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.
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Jack Yates

LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.

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