The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure Vignettes: Wonder Twin Zan

Collectible Minifigures 71020 The LEGO Batman Movie Series 2 brings even more of the film’s colourful characters to life, and has provided inspiration for a new batch of vignette builds

One thing that is clear looking at the products based on The LEGO Batman Movie is that the designers were having a lot of fun working on this project.71020 The LEGO Batman Movie Series 2brings the theme back to the Collectible Minifigures line, allowing it to expand with even more characters and costumes.

Wonder Twin Zan

One half of the Wonder Twins gets to grips with his abilities which allow him to transform into anything water, steam or ice related – all very useful skills to have!


LBMS2 - Wonder Twin Zan

Check back every weekday for a newThe LEGO Batman Movie Series 2 vignette.

LEGO Collectible Minifigures 71020 The LEGO Batman Movie Series 2 blind bags are available now

Author Profile

Justin Winn
I'm long-time LEGO fan who fully emerged from my ‘dark age’ in 2014, after three children and a lot of LEGO building reignited my interest. My first love is Classic Space – they're the first sets I owned – and this passion is reflected in my creations as a recurring theme. You can see my LEGO builds on Flickr, where my handle is justin_m_winn.
YouTube video

Justin Winn

I'm long-time LEGO fan who fully emerged from my ‘dark age’ in 2014, after three children and a lot of LEGO building reignited my interest. My first love is Classic Space – they're the first sets I owned – and this passion is reflected in my creations as a recurring theme. You can see my LEGO builds on Flickr, where my handle is justin_m_winn.

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