LEGO Movie director Chris Miller pokes fun at Ready Player One

One of the directors of The LEGO Movie, Chris Miller, has used the release of Ready Player One as an opportunity to plug The LEGO Movie Sequel.

Steven Spielberg’s biggest movie in years, Ready Player One, is about to arrive in cinemas to the delight of those who have been waiting to see a big mash-up of their favourite pop culture icons. As the pre-release hype builds, The LEGO Movie co-director Chris Miller has taken the opportunity to plug The LEGO Movie Sequel, that is currently in production for a 2019 release.

It has just been announced that Tiffany Haddish will be lending her vocal talents to the animated feature, joining Chris Pratt, Elisabeth Banks and Will Arnett. The LEGO Movie Sequel will deal with the different way that boys and girls play, and may focus on a mission to rescue Batman.

The LEGO Movie Sequel will be released on February 8, 2019.

Author Profile

Graham E. Hancock
Graham was the Brick Fanatics Editor up until November 2020. He has plenty of experience working on LEGO related projects, including LEGO Star Wars: The Force of Creativity. He has contributed to various websites and publications on topics including niche hobbies, the toy industry and education.
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Graham E. Hancock

Graham was the Brick Fanatics Editor up until November 2020. He has plenty of experience working on LEGO related projects, including LEGO Star Wars: The Force of Creativity. He has contributed to various websites and publications on topics including niche hobbies, the toy industry and education.

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