Reddit user gives LEGO 75288 AT-AT a seasonal makeover

Even Imperial Stormtroopers deserve a bit of fun at Christmas as Reddit user gives their LEGO 75288 AT-AT a Christmassy twist.

Okay, we’ll be the first to admit that this doesn’t qualify as news, but we couldn’t help but smile when we saw what Reddit user talkingtunataco501 had done to their AT-AT. In the spirit of the season, the Imperial walker has been transformed from a lumbering, armour-plated dispenser of laser spitting death to a large and friendly reindeer.

The hulking machine became Rudolph the red-nosed AT-AT with the simple application of some brick built antlers and a red nose, one of the simplest but most effective modifications we’ve seen. In the image, it towers over Santa’s Sleigh and, er, a Christmas llama. Takes all sorts…

It’s an inspired solution. Many builders may find themselves, at this time of year, being asked to remove sets from display by less LEGO-appreciative members of their family as ‘it’s not very Christmassy’. Voila! Rather than break down that painstakingly built set, simply add a few tweaks care of your spares box, and suddenly your Imperial Star Destroyer is a sledge, or your massive Technic bulldozer is… okay, it may not work for everything.


But that’s the joy of LEGO. If it isn’t what you need it to be at any given time, it’s simple enough to modify it. So get some white bricks, add a bit of ABS snow and celebrate the holiday season without having to put any sets away.

If you’re looking for an AT-AT or any other sort of LEGO set, please use the Brick Fanatics affiliate links. Every purchase helps to support the site. Thank you.

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David Parry

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