The most important thing to remember when scanning Series 25 minifigures with Brick Search

The Brick Search app’s Series 25 minifigure scanner can quickly identify which minifigure is inside which box but there is one crucial thing to remember: don’t scan the barcode.

While it’s true that the scanner feature in the Brick Search app can scan barcodes – and indeed, that is what it is primarily used for – it’s not the barcode you want to scan when you’ve got a Series 25 minifigure box in your hand.

No – you want to scan the icon that looks like a small QR code. It’s what’s known as a data matrix, and contains information that can be read by scanners such as the one built in to Brick Search. Scanning this data matrix code will tell you which minifigure is inside the box.

So as long as you’re holding a Series 25 minifigure box with the larger of the two data matrix codes in circulation, you’ll be able to tell what’s inside by using the Brick Search scanner. The image below explains more:


Click here to learn more or if you’re experiencing issues using the Brick Search Series 25 minifigure scanner.

To make sure you don’t scan the barcode, try covering it up with something – a piece of paper or your finger should work perfectly. Then just hold the box steady in the scanner window and wait a few seconds to discover if you’ve got the minifigure you want in your hand.

Brick Search is available to download for iOS devices here, and for Android devices here.

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Author Profile

A writer, wrestling and football fan – a long-suffering Everton season ticket holder in fact – and Brick Fanatics contributor, as well as overseeing all things related to Brick Search, the LEGO set app.
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A writer, wrestling and football fan – a long-suffering Everton season ticket holder in fact – and Brick Fanatics contributor, as well as overseeing all things related to Brick Search, the LEGO set app.

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