This custom LEGO Huyang is pretty close to perfect

Getting a LEGO Star Wars droid minifigure right is tough, but this custom build ticks a lot of boxes.

Ahsoka’s live-action version of Huyang, the Mark IV architect droid professor who taught Jedi younglings for centuries and now accompanies Ahsoka, has already been translated into a LEGO minifigure in 75362 Ahsoka Tano’s T-6 Jedi Shuttle. However, the colour and body shape is not quite right. In the Disney+ show, Huyang’s metal body is an off-white colour, with a tapered waist and thin mechanical arms and legs. However, his LEGO counterpart is beige in colour, with a regular-shaped minifigure torso (albeit printed with mechanical dials and buttons to convey the sense that he’s a droid).

We spotted a custom Huyang minifigure that looks much closer to the on-screen version, made by cbabricks3d. The custom creator has used specialist droid design parts in a colour close to Huyang’s live-action shell. The printing on the torso has also been stripped back to more closely reveal Huyang’s chest symbol, rather than the array of wires printed on the official minifigure.

All in all, the custom Huyang minifigure is a pretty good upgrade to the official minifigure. These kinds of discrepancies between the on-screen versions of characters and their LEGO recreations are pretty common, especially for newly-released shows that Disney keeps under close wraps. While Disney might share some details of what LEGO designers should base the minifigures on, they’re not always that detailed and can be subject to change. That means we could well get an updated minifigure for Huyang if any future sets based on Ahsoka also include the architect droid.


Featured image: Disney

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Rachael Davies
Rachael Davies
I write about all the very best fandoms – and that means LEGO, of course. Spending so much time looking at and talking about LEGO sets is dangerous for my bank balance, but the LEGO shelves are thriving. You win some, you lose some.

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Rachael Davies

I write about all the very best fandoms – and that means LEGO, of course. Spending so much time looking at and talking about LEGO sets is dangerous for my bank balance, but the LEGO shelves are thriving. You win some, you lose some.

3 thoughts on “This custom LEGO Huyang is pretty close to perfect

  • 22/09/2023 at 14:17

    realmente, tem sido difícil encontrar boas minifiguras oficiais para adicionar á minha coleção, mas as minifiguras customizadas tem sido boas alternativas…
    a lego tem que perceber que tá perdendo dinheiro fazendo essas minifiguras de baixa qualidade
    mas isso fica mais bizarro quando a gente se lembra do lema da lego: “Somente o melhor é bom o suficiente”

  • 17/09/2023 at 15:23

    Yup way better! 🙁 Sadly Lego’s been giving us a lot of half a$$ figures over the last 5 years. And no quality control on printed parts to not just figures. Almost every set I’ve bought over the last 5 years I’ve had to complain to Lego for a replacement part or two and half the time the replacements they send are just as bad as the misprint I’m trying to get them to replace.

    • 21/09/2023 at 19:24

      same problems here, no quality control on parts… I’m tired to ask for a replacement each time so now I’ve stopped buying new sets for this reason and for sure BC of the Incredibles high prices…
      I’m buying second hand or only certain new parts on BL or whatever secondary market available.


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